Predator II Single Camera Link High Speed Compatible Frame Grabber


Key Features:

  • Single Camera Link High Speed compatible link
  • PCI Express card
  • PCIe 2.0 x8 bus
  • 512 MB DDR3 frame buffer
  • Camera controls and triggers
  • Link Status LED indication
  • Flexible GPIO interface:
    – 4 TTL configurable I/Os
    – 4 LVTTL configurable I/Os
    – 2 LVDS inputs
    – 2 LVDS outputs
    – 4 opto-isolated inputs
    – 4 opto-isolated outputs
    – 4 quadrature rotary encoders
    – Integrated strobe controller
    – 4 timers
  • Camera Link High Speed compatible v1.2 compliant
  • Multiple camera synchronization
  • Multiple Frame Grabbers synchronization
  • SFP+ connectors for Camera Link High Speed
    compatible links
  • GUI Interface
  • Supporting Windows, Linux OS and Nvidia Jetpack
  • API for custom application development
  • Plug-in modules for Matlab, HALCON, Cognex and
  • Gen<i>Cam compliant
  • GenTL support
  • Data rates up to 10.3125 Gbps per link
  • Transfer rates of up to 3,400 MB/s
  • 0°C to +50°C operating environment temperatures

Ordering Codes:


Predator II Single Camera Link High Speed compatible is the best-in-class Frame Grabber, supporting the Camera Link High Speed compatible v1.2 standard. It can receive video streams from Single Camera Link High Speed compatible v1.2 link in single mode. It can also be used for simultaneous capture from multiple cameras. Each link supports standard Camera Link High Speed compatible v1.2 bitrates of up to 10.3125 Gbps. These features make the Predator II Single Camera Link High Speed compatible ideally suited for industrial, defense and aerospace Machine Vision Systems and applications.

The Predator II Single Camera Link High Speed compatible can easily receive video streams on the Camera Link High Speed compatible link and transmit them to computer memory through the PCIe interface. This product also provides an external GPIO for machine control signals, such as triggers, timers, shaft encoders, exposure control and general I/O which can be controlled aside video stream acquisition. Our frame grabber uses standard SFP+ connectors as a Camera Link High Speed compatible v1.2 interface to the camera. It utilizes PCIe 2.0 x8 links for communication with Host PC for video uploading and configuration.




Form factor PCI Express card
Format Low profile, 4-lane PCI Express card
Cooling method Passive, requires airflow
Mounting For insertion in a 4-lane or higher, PCI Express card slot
Connectors Ports 1 through 1 via x1 SFP+ connectors for CLHS compatible v1.2 interface
Dimensions 168.65 mm x 68.9 mm (6.6\u201d x 2.7\u201d)
Weight 110 g (3.9 oz)
Host Bus
Standard PCI Express 2.0
Link width 8 lanes
1, 2 or 4 lanes with reduced performance
Link speed 5.0 GT/s (PCIe 2.0)
Maximum payload size 256 bytes
DMA 64-bit addressing support
Scatter gather support
Physical address support (GPU transfers)
Peak delivery bandwidth 4,000 MB/s
Effective (sustained) delivery
3,400 MB/s (Host PC dependent)
Power consumption 7 W, excluding camera and I/O power output
Camera / Video Inputs
Interface standard(s) CLHS compatible v1.2
Status LEDs 1 bicolor status LED per camera connector
4 System status LEDs
Number of cameras Up to 1
Number of links per single camera Up to 1
Number of streams per single
Up to 1
Total number of streams per frame
Up to 1
Synchronization between cameras Yes
Line-scan cameras supported Yes
Maximum aggregated camera data
transfer rate
10.3 Gbit/s
Supported down-connection speeds 10.3125 GT/s
Supported up-connection speeds 10.3125 GT/s
Maximum stream packet size 8,192 bytes
Power over protocol
Camera types Area-scan cameras:
Gray-scale and color (RGB and Bayer CFA)
Single-tap (1X-1Y) progressive-scan
Single-tap (1X-1Y) interlaced
Line-scan cameras:
Gray-scale and color RGB
Camera pixel formats supported Raw, Monochrome, Bayer, RGB, YUV, YCbCr and RGBA (PFNC names):
Mono8, Mono10, Mono12, Mono14, Mono16
BayerXX8, BayerXX10, BayerXX12, BayerXX14, BayerXX16 where XX= GR, RG, GB, or BG RGB8, RGB10, RGB12, RGB14, RGB16
YUV411 8, YUV411 10, YUV411 12, YUV411 14, YUV411 16
YUV422 8, YUV422 10, YUV422 12, YUV422 14, YUV422 16
YUV444 8, YUV444 10, YUV444 12, YUV444 14, YUV444 16
YCbCr601 411 8, YCbCr601 411 10, YCbCr601 411 12, YCbCr601 411 14, YCbCr601 411 16 YCbCr601 422 8, YCbCr601 422 10, YCbCr601 422 12, YCbCr601 422 14,YCbCr601 422 16 YCbCr601 444 8, YCbCr601 444 10, YCbCr601 444 12, YCbCr601 444 14, YCbCr601 444 16
General Purpose Inputs and
Number of lines 20 I/O lines:
2 differential inputs
2 differential outputs
4 singled-ended TTL inputs/outputs
4 singled-ended LVTTL inputs/outputs
4 opto-isolated inputs]
4 opto-isolated outputs
Usage Any System I/O input lines can be connected to any I/O output line
Any I/O input line can be used to decode A/B and Z signals of a motion
Electrical specifications Differential lines – LVDS compatible
TTL lines: 5 V TTL compliant
LVTTL lines: 3.3 V LVTTL compliant
Isolated lines: opto-isolated lines with voltage range up to 30 V
Filter control Glitch removal filter for Encoders and Triggers
Configurable filter time between 0 \u00b5s and 34 ms
Filter time resolution of 8 ns
Polarity control Yes
Encoders 4 quadrature encoders with A/B and Z inputs
32-bit position counter
Forward and backward counting
Position trigger support
Noise filtering
Timers/Counters 4 general purpose timers
Configurable delay and duration
32-bit accumulator
64-bit system timestamp event reporting
Event reporting Each I/O line can generate event on configurable edge
Each Timer can generate event
Each encoder can generate event
Frame Grabber Synchronization
Synchronization Precise area and line-scan cameras synchronization across different
frame grabbers
Area-Scan Camera Control
Trigger Precise control of asynchronous reset cameras, with exposure control.
Support of camera exposure/readout overlap
Support of triggering from encoder or timer
Support of external hardware trigger, with optional delay, filtering and trigger decimation
Strobe Accurate control of the strobe position for strobe light sources. Support of
early and late strobe pulses
Line-Scan Camera Control
Scan/page trigger Precise control of start-of-scan and end-of-scan triggers
Support of external hardware trigger, with optional delay and filtering
Support of triggering from encoder
Support of infinite acquisition without missing lines
Line trigger Support
selection of acquisition direction and backward motion compensation\tfor quadrature motion encoders, with programmable filters,
Line strobe Accurate control of the strobe position for strobe light sources
On-Board Processing
On-board memory 512 MB DDR3
Bayer De-Mosaic Full 16-bit resolution
Bilinear 3×3
Bilinear 3×2 for linescan with gradient correction
Color transformation Full 16-bit resolution 18-bit coefficients table
Color space conversion
Gain and Offset
Decimation Line skip
Additional features Unpacking of 10/12/14-bit to 16-bit LSB aligned
Frame timestamp 64-bit with 8 ns precision
Data stream statistics Measurement of:
Frame rate
CRC Errors
Received/Dropped frames
Received/Dropped packets
Test packets
Event signaling and counting The application software can be notified of the occurrence of various
Newly acquired buffers
I/O events
Timer events
Encoder events
Host PC operating system Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit version
Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit version
Signed and certified kernel driver supporting Windows 10 and 11
Source code Linux kernel driver (Automaticlly compiled during installation) Tested for Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04 versions
Nvidia Xavier AGX (Jetpack 5.1.1 and 4.6.1)
Nvidia Orin AGX (Jetpack 5.1.1)
Gen<i>Cam Support of Gen<i>Cam 3.2
Full camera and Frame Grabber parameters configuration
Buffer management Circular buffer support
Accumulation of several frames/lines to single buffer to reduce CPU loadFlexible buffer queuing
DMA Buffer filling directly to system memory
GUI Supported for Windows and Linux OS
Multi camera display and configuration
Image/video recording and playback
Debugging capabilities Event logging
Gen<i>Cam, GenTL producer libraries, ANSI C, Python and NET APIs bindings
Statistics counters
x86 64 dynamic library designed to be used with ISO-compliant C runtime
Allows for development of x86 64 applications
Plug-in modules for Matlab, HALCON, Cognex and Labview
Export straightforward, unified and easy-to-use API across all Grabber types
Include practical examples based on API functions, for supported language wrappers
Documentation include sample snippets for API usage
Environmental Conditions
Operating ambient air temperature 0C to +50C ( 32F to +122F)
Operating ambient air humidity 10% to 90% RH non-condensing
Storage ambient air temperature -20C to +70C ( -4F to +158F)
Storage ambient air humidity 10% to 90% RH non-condensing

Hardware Block Diagram

Predator II CLHS Block Diagram

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