CoaXPress (CXP) – Ready for Prime Time

CoaXPress (CXP) – Ready for Prime Time

System designers that are upgrading their imaging system are now turning to CoaXPress after using the Camera Link standard. Why? Faster speeds, better accuracy and throughput and the knowledge that this is the technology of the future. Because they want to improve the integration of an image acquisition system of camera and frame grabber into the system, the design engineer is now motivated to switch from CameraLink to the CoaXPress standard. Hey, CXP is cheaper as well!

After being introduced in 2008, the CoaXPress has been called “the de-facto high-speed machine vision interface” by no less an authority than Vision Systems Design Magazine in early 2014. Now you have nearly 50 companies that are offering cameras, frame grabbers and peripherals with the CoaXPress standard, and we feel that “Prime Time” is at hand. With CoaXPress offering a stable standard to turn to with data rates of 6.25 Gbps over Camera Link’s maximum of 850 Mbps, the message to make the switch is being heard loud and clear. And if you are worried about integrating CoaXPress into your system architecture, it is easier than you think.

We hope to impress upon you in the upcoming posts how Kaya Instruments frame grabbers, boards and range extenders can take your organization into Prime Time as well, with our emphasis on providing the most powerful products with the most channels available, the most memory and the highest throughput. Our goal is to provide you with premium vision solutions along with the excellent service that you expect. There is no need to worry about the transition from Camera Link to CoaXPress with the experts from Kaya Instruments on your side.

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