Camera Link Range Extender over Fiber


Key Features:

  • Solves distance limitation of Camera Link
  • Camera Link Full/80-bit (Deca) support
  • Bidirectional communication over single fiber cable
  • Flexible machine I/O
  • PoCL support
  • Extended Temperature Range (optional)

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KAYA Instruments’ Camera Link Range Extender over Fiber resolves the distance limitation of the Camera Link interface by connecting the camera to the frame grabber over a single fiber cable. This solution provides a high-resolution stream interface for distances up to 80km in single-mode and up to 300m in multi mode. The adapter is capable of supplying power to the camera over PoCL. The system is constructed of two converters, one on the camera side and one on the Camera Link frame grabber side. The system uses flexible SFP+ modules for optical connection that can be easily changed. The range extender can provide bidirectional communication at up to 10.3125Gbps equal to Camera Link Full/80 bit (Deca) over a single fiber cable.


  • Solves distance limitation of Camera Link
  • Camera Link Full/80 bit (Deca) support
  • Bidirectional communication over single fiber cable
  • Flexible machine I/O:
    • RS232
    • RS422
    • Opto-isolated
    • TTL GPIOs
  • Standard MDR26 connectors
  • Extension for distances up to 80km in
    single-mode and up to 300m in multi-mode
  • PoCL support
  • Flexible SFP+ module for Fiber connection
  • Easy configuration
  • External power supply (optional)
  • -40°C to 85°C operating environment temperature (industrial grade, optional)

Block diagram

Example System Block Diagram

The Camera Link Range Extender over Fiber supports multiple modes of configuration and system topology. Few of these are presented in following diagrams.

Single camera link topology


Camera Link Range Extender over Fiber

Bidirectional Camera link connection


Camera Link Range Extender over Fiber

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