Shrink your Vision System

Many advantages and complications emerge from reducing the size of something.

Over the last few decades, the density of transistors in CPUs increased at an astonishing rate, which led to wild theories regarding technologies humanity would reach in the future. Because of physical limitations, this incredible pace has not been maintained, yet it has shown us that technology, in many cases, is driven to become smaller and smaller. This is not simply for aesthetic purposes but serves many different purposes that may be revealed to be essential.  Vision systems do not differ, and on many occasions, size and efficiency are also particularly important. In general terms, reducing the size of a device improves its efficiency, which is not just desirable in today’s industry but is necessary. This improvement does not come for free. Additional technology must be developed and utilized to manufacture smaller components; however, as will soon be expanded upon, a more efficient use of materials, energy, and even time makes this a worthwhile investment. KAYA takes pride in its product’s quality; it aims to provide what engineers need in a size that will not limit where they can be applied.

Fast but reliable

With more value being given to speed in many industries, it is an essential point to touch on when discussing vision systems specifically. High-speed imaging and machine vision are two areas where information reliability and speed are fundamental aspects that cannot be ignored. Smaller chips and devices are often fabricated by reducing complexity and unused space, which signifies that information needs to travel smaller distances and will be delivered to its destination with fewer distortions. A perfect example of this is KAYA’s JetCam series or one of the smaller cameras it produces, the Iron 252. Its dimensions are 44mm x 44mmx 35mm, yet it can provide a maximum of 205 frames per second at a higher than 2K resolution. With its CoaXPress connection, it can output an impressive 12.5Gbps of data.

Compact and elegant design

The most obvious advantage of smaller devices is that they occupy a smaller volume. This may seem insignificant, but it gives way to other improvements that may not be obvious. One of the downsides of smaller components is that heat propagates faster as everything is condensed, but the smaller volume also permits for more efficient cooling solutions and even utilizing the space gained by that reduction for other purposes like cooling, power or memory. As mentioned before, it is much more efficient. Components with a reduced size also have a diverse range of other applications. In industries like robotics, where intelligent use of energy and space is required, smaller cameras like the ones provided by KAYA are ideal. Other examples include autonomous vehicles, aerospace, or industry inspection, where space may be limited.

Cost reduction

Transistors have been produced in the 3nm scale. That is 6000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. The production of the transistors that permit the size reduction mentioned in this article requires very high-level manufacturing technology. Fortunately, this industry has advanced considerably, making these components low-cost and even more efficient in how they utilize material. Regarding cost, the energy required is also reduced in smaller components because resistance is reduced, meaning the cost of manufacture and upkeep is reduced. KAYA’s high-tech SWIR camera, Mercury SWIFT, utilizes less than 3W of energy at 24V. With continuous use, like in the case of industrial inspection, energy efficiency is an invaluable asset.

The technological world has gone from room-sized computers to watches where games can be played. Many more advancements are to come, and the vision industry is not falling behind. KAYA has been exemplary with careful design and production, releasing small and extremely efficient tools in the aforementioned areas. It is crucial to realize the value of the efforts to reduce the physical size of devices and all of the benefits they bring. Cameras and other components that would otherwise be unusable are now suited to numerous applications, opening the doors for engineers and hobbyists to bring their ideas to reality and improve our world even further.